I'm Jiashan Wu, founder, designer and developer. Learn more about me or say hi: hello@fromjia.com

Selected Projects (Oldies but Goodies)

Magic Ant Bots

Want to know what's the weather? Whether you should break up with your boyfriend? Or what's the meaning of life? Ask the magic ants. Click around the window to enable your mic. Works in Chrome.

dear d.

d. is an interactive diary that chats with you and tracks your mood.


dist/dans is an ibeacon app that lets you experience people around you through sounds.

Snoopi: the Data Sniffing Dog

Snoopi is a connected dog harness that sniffs data packets from nearby mobile devices through wifi, then visualizes information about the owners of the devices.

Twitch Plays Shakespeare

An interactive take on Shakespeare's Hamlet, allowing the audience to vote on Hamlet's actions throughout the course of the play.


A wearable air quality sensor necklace made with custom designed breakout board that measures air quality and temperature and sends updates to your phone via BLE.

What's Trending

Design and development of What's Trending web site and backend publishing platform.


Web application and browser extension that lets people fetch content, organize them into collections, and collaborate and add comments with others.

Gui.de Information Design

Selection of information designs and illustrations for Gui.de: A history of human interaction with Avatars poster and RIP Google Reader

Sketches & Play

ITP brain dump and documentations